Student Advising

M. Shah Alam Khan




Name of the student: SONIA BINTE MURSHED

Program: M.Sc. (WRD)





Background and present state of the problem:


Water and fisheries are often open access resources in developing countries. Fisheries make important contributions to food production, food security, nutrition, livelihood support and aquatic biodiversity. On the other hand, irrigated agriculture is inspired from a need to meet the growing demand for food, often exploiting the water necessary for fisheries (Heinz, 2002). In case of water scarcity, conflicts among the use of water for irrigation and fisheries are almost inevitable (Nguyen-Khoa and Smith, 2004). The conflicts are more complex where the open access fisheries resources are limited due to intervention of the aquatic ecosystem to promote irrigation. Even within a participatory process of decision-making for such interventions, the priorities and perspectives of the fishing communities are often marginalized, mostly because of their weak position in the community power structure. In these situations, successful IWRM depends on consensus building and conflict management (GWP, 2003). Nguyen-Khoa and Smith (2004) present a protocol for participatory impact assessment and management as a mechanism for conflict resolution between irrigation and fisheries. In this protocol, stakeholder workshops serve as a platform for conflict resolution.


Several subprojects of the Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Management Project (SWAIWRMP) have introduced structural interventions for flood control, drainage and water conservation (ADB, BWDB and WARPO, 2004). The purpose of these interventions is to allow storage of fresh water for dry season irrigation, drain out water to allow cultivation in beels and prevent saline water intrusion during the later part of the dry season (BWDB and WARPO, 2005). Although these interventions have been beneficial to dry season agriculture, fisheries and the aquatic ecosystem have been adversely affected (LGED, 2007). Similar effects have been reported by Shafi (2003) and Harun (2005). This is also confirmed from a reconnaissance visit to a few subprojects in the area. There is also an apparent discontent among the fishing community that their needs, priorities and alternate livelihood options have not been properly considered in the project formulation process. The proposed study will conduct a detailed investigation in these issues as part of the research program of IWFM under the Crossing Boundaries (CB) Project.



Objectives with specific aim and possible outcome:


The specific objectives of the study are to:


(i) identify conflicts in water use for irrigation and fisheries in a selected subproject of SWAIWRMP;

(ii) determine water requirements for irrigation, fisheries and the aquatic ecosystem;

(iii) assess the impact of project interventions on irrigated agriculture and fisheries; and

(iv) explore the feasibility of developing a platform for conflict resolution/reduction.


Possible Outcome: This study is expected to provide an understanding of conflicts between irrigation and fisheries due to structural interventions in water resources development projects.



Outline of Methodology:


The study will be conducted in the Siapagla FCD subproject in Narail district. Preliminary investigation and literature review show possible conflicts in water use for irrigated agriculture and fisheries resulting from project interventions. The proposed study will identify these conflicts through focus group discussions (FGDs). The major groups will include farmers, fishermen and women. Seasonal variability in water requirements for irrigation, fisheries and ecosystem will be estimated from an analysis of secondary information on various aspects including cropping pattern, crop water requirement, irrigation and fishing practices, and predominant fish and other aquatic species. This analysis will also reveal conflicting water requirements. Impact of project interventions on irrigated agriculture, fisheries and ecosystem will be assessed from FGDs and structured interviews.


The relations among stakeholders and the power structure for community decision-making will be identified through stakeholder diagramming based on information collected through the FGDs mentioned above. This will help in understanding the potential areas and opportunities for conflict resolution. A stakeholder workshop will be arranged to identify agreeable mitigation measures and to explore the feasibility of using such workshop in future as a platform for conflict resolution.





ADB, BWDB and WARPO (2004). Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management Project, Main Report, Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh Water Development Board, and Water Resources Planning Organization.


BWDB and WARPO (2005). Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management Project, Environmental Impact Assessment (Chenchuri Beel and Narail Subproject), Bangladesh Water Development Board, and Water Resources Planning Organization, Ministry of Water Resources.


GWP (2003). "Sharing knowledge for equitable, efficient and sustainable water management", Toolbox for Integrated Water Resources Management, Global Water Partnership.


Harun, A.Y. (2005). "Effects of Small-Scale Water Development Projects on Fisheries", M.Sc. Thesis, IWFM, BUET.


Heinz, I. (2002). "Voluntary agreements as an instrument to solve conflicts between farmers and water suppliers", In: Agricultural Effects on Ground and Surface Waters, IAHS Pub. No. 273, 11-16.


LGED (2007). "General subproject information", Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project, Quarterly MIS Report, Local Government Engineering Department, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, September 2007.


Nguyen-Khoa, S. and Smith, L.E.D. (2004). "Irrigation and fisheries: irreconcilable conflicts or potential synergies?", Journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 53, 415-427.


Shafi, M. (2003). "Impact of Flood Control Drainage and Irrigation (FCD/I) on Inland Fisheries of Bangladesh", In: Bangladesh Fisheries, Academic Press and Publishers Ltd., Dhaka.


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